Computerized Biofeedback Therapy is a non-invasive therapeutic approach that helps you learn to control muscle tension and other body responses to reduce pain and stress.
Biofeedback technology works by measuring muscle tension, blood flow, temperature and breathing patterns, which are instantly displayed on a computer screen. Biofeedback Therapy is also used to teach relaxation techniques, breathing pattern changes and effective stretching exercises aimed to reduce and control your pain level.
What to Expect
Biofeedback technology gives you real-time visual feedback on how your body is affected by your movements, thoughts and emotions. Once you have gained this awareness, the Biofeedback Therapist uses:
1) Cognitive Behavioural Therapy approaches to help you change the way you think about and react to your stress and pain; and
2) Body Mechanics principles to help you change your postures and movements. Biofeedback technology is then used to monitor if the strategies recommended by the therapist are truly effective for you.
The Biofeedback Therapist will help you explore strategies that will match your specific needs and lifestyle.
Since your physiological response can be measured in real time, treatment strategies can be specifically tailored to your individual needs. Biofeedback Therapy is particularly crucial because it integrates the psychological and physical aspects of pain. Many of our clients find this intervention quite validating of their pain experience.

Biofeedback Therapy is beneficial in treating:
Anxiety/Panic attacks
Bruxism (Teeth grinding)
Fibromyalgia/Chronic fatigue
Headaches: Tension-Type and Migraine

Irritable bowel syndrome
Phobic reactions
Repetitive strain injuries